
#19 || Flutter GetX Tutorial || Fetch & Display API Data in Flutter using GetX

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GetX is fast, stable, extra-light and powerful Flutter framework for
1. State Management
2. Dependency Injection
3. Route Management
Three basic Principle of GetX
1. Performance : GetX is focused on performance and minimum consumption of resources. When compared to other state management library , GetX wins the race.

2. Productivity : GetX has a very easy syntax and saves lot of development time and hence increases productivity.

3. Organization : GetX organizes the code by decoupling of the View, presentation logic, business logic, dependency injection, and navigation

Pillars of GetX
1. State Management : GetX has two different state managers
Simple State Manager(GetBuilder)
Reactive State Manager(GetX)

2. Route Management : If we are using routes/snackbars/dialogs/bottomsheets  then GetX is excellent because the mentioned features can be used without using context.

3. Dependency Management : GetX has powerful dependency manager that allows us to retrieve the controller by 1 line of code without using Provider Context or InheritedWidget

#GetX #RestAPIGetX #FlutterGetX
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