C++ GUI Programming For Beginners | Episode 4 - Styles

85 Просмотры
Learn how to program cross platform graphical user interfaces in C++ using wxWidgets.

In this episode, we work with styles in wxWidgets. Styles are used to change the appearance and behaviour of controls and other classes.

wxWidgets website:

0:00 - Plan
0:32 - The Style Parameter
1:04 - Left Align Button Label (wxBU_LEFT)
1:24 - Check Available Styles
1:53 - 3-State CheckBox (CHK_3STATE)
2:47 - How To Use Multiple Styles
3:29 - Understand wxStaticText Size
4:27 - How To Center Text (wxALIGN_CENTRE_HORIZONTAL)
4:44 - Create a Password Input Field (wxTE_PASSWORD)
5:13 - Show Slider Value (wxSL_VALUE_LABEL)
6:04 - Sort wxChoice Entries (wxCB_SORT)
6:43 - Wrap wxSpinCtrl Values (wxSP_WRAP)
7:06 - Multiple Selection wxListBox (wxLB_MULTIPLE)
7:40 - Change wxRadioBox Rows & Columns (wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS)
9:02 - Thanks!
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