Emulating a CPU in C++ #18 (6502) - Conditional Branches

136 Просмотры
In this episode i get the rest of the conditional branches working in the 6502 emulator.

Source for this project: https://github.com/davepoo/6502Emulator
Google Test: https://github.com/google/googletest
6502 Information: http://www.obelisk.me.uk/6502/

0:00 Intro
1:10 BNE Test
3:16 Refactoring branch logic
5:50 BNE Implemented
6:20 BCS (Branch on Carry Set)
7:57 BCC (Branch on Carry Clear)
8:48 BMI & BPL (Branch Negative Set/Clear)
10:20 BVS & BVC (Branch Overflow Set/Clear)
12:22 Branching completed

12:50 Tidy up
14:00 Closing comments
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