Flutter Global Summit'21 DAY 1 - Junior track - Part 1

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Flutter: Your reliable source of Flutter and Dart Use Cases

Part 2: https://youtu.be/RvFStiPmKkI

Agenda: https://geekle.us/flutter_agenda
Visit https://geekle.us/flutter to find Senior track tickets, and Workshops
Buy Full Access tickets and watch all 3 days of the Flutter Global Summit'21 at https://geekle.us/dashboard

25+ top use-cases for:
- CTOs
- Senior and junior developers
- Team leads
- Product Managers
- Software-based startups owners

00:00:00 Starting soon!
00:20:31 Intro by Ed Nedin and Anna Metelska
00:33:38 Why should you care about Flutter? Crash course in Flutter
01:01:10 Flutter 2.0 for every Front End Engineer
01:30:50 Building your Flutter app backend in Dart with minimal effort
01:57:45 Q&A Session with Tamon Okamoto and Viktor Lidholt
02:27:30 Migrating your Flutter project to Null Safety
02:53:37 Building Blockchain Apps with Flutter
03:32:08 Q&A Session with Adby Santos and Sameer Kashyap
03:39:17 Make the code work for you: Flutter Code Generation
04:20:20 Calling C library from Flutter Desktop
04:53:01 How to test your Flutter App and give your future self a better life
05:35:10 Efficient debugging with Dart DevTools
06:22:52 Break
06:30:55 Panel Discussion "Common mistakes and Flutter's future"
07:17:47 Using riverpod to understand them all!
07:56:17 Flutter 2.0 Autocomplete - New member in Widgets family
08:30:39 Render Objects demystified
09:16:45 Power of Flutter with Firebase
Язык программирования Dart
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