Practice 8: Java Class Structure (Basic Java Programming 29)

144 Просмотры
【Basic Java Programming 29】
Let's code! I'm going to share the class structure in Java with you.

Write the program that displays the string of the character count that is the same as user inputs.

・Make sure you create two classes.
・The character counts a user input is from 8 to 12 of the decimal integer.
・Display error messages if a user inputs the number less than 8 or more than 12.
・Display the "Input the character count (8-12)" sentence on the prompt.

(Result Examples)
User Input: 8
The String we display : ABCDEFGH
User Input: 9
The String we display : ABCDEFGHI
User Input: 10
The String we display : ABCDEFGHIJ
User Input: 11
The String we display : ABCDEFGHIJK
User Input: 12
The String we display : ABCDEFGHIJKL

◆ Practice 8: Java Class Structure - answer

◆ Makoto Official Site
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