Swift 5.3 Cookbook - Second Edition | 4. Generics, Operators, and Nested Types

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Swift 5.3 Cookbook - Second Edition is available from:
Packt.com: http://bit.ly/3tnDCn7
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2MvjsXC

This is the “Code in Action” video for chapter 4 of Swift 5.3 Cookbook - Second Edition by Keith Moon & Chris Barker, published by Packt. It includes the following topics:

00:11 Using generics with types
02:31 Using generics with functions
03:39 Using generics with protocols
04:19 Using advanced operators
05:37 Defining option sets
06:20 Creating custom operators
10:42 Nesting types and namespacing

Swift 5.3 is a powerful and approachable programming language that offers a variety of features to build robust mobile, desktop, and server-side applications and machine learning models. This book will help you gain a solid understanding of Swift programming using focused recipes for building Swift efficiently.

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Video created by George MacKay-Shore
Язык программирования Swift
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