Unreal Engine 4 C++: Using UTimelineComponents in C++ classes

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In this tutorial, I demonstrate the basic functionality of how to use a timeline to output a single float value into a function, and then how to modify the code to be able to output multiple float values from the timeline simultaneously.

Recommended for people with prior experience in both UE4 and C++, I will not be explaining any coding or engine basics.

00:00 - Intro
00:56 - Initial .h file setup of timeline in an Actor class
03:07 - Setting up timeline events and floats in the .cpp file
04:23 - Binding functions to timeline events
09:06 - Adding code to the timeline functions
11:45 - Creating a UCurveFloat to provide the timeline with data
13:06 - Troubleshooting/solving a crash and testing the first implementation
14:52 - Expanding the timeline to use multiple float curves
16:07 - Creating a timeline tick event
Язык программирования C++
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