Unreal Engine C++ Guide - #pragma region

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Unreal Engine C++ Guide - #pragma region.
In this video we are starting this playlist by having a look at the #pragma region and endregion pre-processor directive to be able to structure and categorize parts of our code in an easy way

The Unreal Engine C++ Guide - Theory, Tips and Tricks playlist, is a series focusing on the ins and outs of C++ in the Unreal Engine by showing the theory, Best practices and tips and tricks on how to better understand and use c++
in the Unreal Engine 4 and Unreal Engine 5 once it comes out and will cover many aspects of the UE4/UE5 C++ Game Framework
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Unreal Engine C++

UE4 C++ Guide
UE5 C++ Guide
Unreal Engine C++ Guide - #pragma region.
Язык программирования C++
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