26 Просмотры
ይህ የአማርኛ መማሪያ የተዘጋጀው የ C ++ ፕሮግራም መማር ለሚፈልጉ ተማሪዎች ነው፡፡ የተዘጋጀው በኢትዮጵያ የከፍተኛ ትምህርት የ C ++ ኮርስ ሥርዓተ-ትምህርትን መሠረት በማድረግ ነው ፡፡

C++ ን እንደ ክፍል ትምህርት ለሚማሩ ተማሪዎች ይህ ትምህርት በደንብ ሊረዳዎት የሚችል ትክክለኛ ቦታ ነው፡፡
This Amharic tutorial is prepared for students who want to learn C++ Program. It's prepared based on the C++ course curriculum of Ethiopian higher education.

For students who learn C++ as a class course, this tutorial is the right place to understand this course very well.

The videos are tutorials regarding the C++ Programming language prepared for Amharic speakers all over the world.

C++ exception handling is built upon three keywords: try, catch, & throw.

try : A block of code which may cause an exception is typically placed inside the try block. It’s followed by one or more catch blocks. If an exception occurs, it is thrown from the try block.
catch : this block catches the exception thrown from the try block. Code to handle the exception is written inside this catch block.
throw : A program throws an exception when a problem shows up. This is done using a throw keyword.
Every try catch should have a corresponding catch block. A single try block can have multiple catch blocks.

Exception Handling in C++ Theory Article - https://simplesnippets.tech/cpp-excep...

Download Dev C++ IDE : https://sourceforge.net/projects/orwe...
Download C++ Android App : https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...

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Язык программирования C++
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