Android Jetpack Tutorial - Firebase, Room, MVVM, Navigation, LiveData, Kotlin Coroutines | 2019

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Programming Fundamentals w/ Kotlin and Android


Section 1
0:00 Introduction and Project Overview

Section 2
5:14 Model View ViewModel (MVVM) Architecture fundamentals and variations
5:38 Is MVVM the perfect architecture?
7:41 Overview of MVVM with whiteboard example
12:11 Pros and Cons of MVVM, and some alternatives
18:58 Package structure

Section 3
23:22 How to create Vector Drawables (using free programs and Android Studio)
24:22 Difference between Raster (PNG, JPG, BMP) and Vector (SVG) Images?
27:55 Uh Oh!
28:41 How to use Inkscape to create an SVG from a BMP/PNG
30:07 How to convert an SVG into an Android Studio Vector Asset
32:29 How to create simple animations using animation lists and fade animations

Section 4
38:19 Material Design User Interface using ConstraintLayout and Styles
41:00 Building an XML Layout using ConstraintLayout
51:09 Using ConstraintLayout Chains
55:43 Some tips on using Styles to create a material design look
Section 5
56:51 How to use (and when not to use) the Android Navigation Component from Android Jetpack
1:00:00 Adding Safe Args to gradle
1:01:15 Building a Navigation Graph using the Navigation Editor (XML)
1:11:00 Creating a NavHostFragment to host the Navigation Component and adding it to an Activity
1:15:29 How to actually change destinations in our Fragments using the Navigation Component (with safe args)
Section 6
1:20:00 Setting up Fragments as Views in MVVM using Kotlin Synthetic Properties
1:25:32 Starting point
1:27:54 Importing an XML layout to an Activity/Fragment using Kotlin Synthetic Properties
1:32:09 How to reference Views in the Fragment using synthetic properties
1:33:41 Adding onClickListener to our views
1:38:03 Intercepting OnBackPressed (NOTE: The API for this has changed since making this video. I have updated the Repository appropriately)
1:39:40 How to observe the ViewModel using LiveData callbacks
Section 7
1:43:22 ViewModels in MVVM with Kotlin Coroutines for Concurrency
1:45:26 A look at my BaseViewModel class which contains part of the Coroutines Implementation (Coroutine Scope)
1:49:25 Starting point
2:01:40 Handling events from the View in the ViewModel
2:05:34 Using the launch Coroutine Builder to access data
2:08:44 How to update the MutableLiveData fields to publish data to the View
Section 8
2:19:35 Modern RecyclerView implementation using LiveData to handle ItemTouchListener() callbacks
2:22:49 Overview of the RecyclerView within the XML View with LinearLayoutManager
2:26:53 What does the DiffUtil do?
2:28:48 A look at the source code of ListAdapter to better understand how it works
2:35:34 Writing the RecyclerView.ViewHolder class
2:37:23 Why is it actually called a RecyclerView? What gets Recycled?
2:37:58 Writing our RecyclerView.ListAdapter
2:46:37 How to use a MutableLiveData object to publish events from the onClickListener in the ViewHolders
2:48:09 Overview of the Fragment which manages the RecyclerView, and how to avoid memory leaks!
Section 9
2:53:17 FirebaseAuth for User Authentication using Google Sign In
2:54:00 How to set up a new Firebase Project using Android Studio (You must create a Firebase Account first!)
2:54:36 Enabling Authentication (FirebaseAuth) in the Firebase Console
2:55:00 Setting up a debug signing certificate for your App in Firebase (don't skip this if you want Firebase to work)
2:56:48 Gradle Configurations for FirebaseAuth
2:58:00 Setting up GoogleSignInProvider
2:59:24 Handling the result in onActivityResult
3:01:06 Back FirebaseAuth Implementation using Coroutines

Section 10
3:05:31 Local Database with Room Persistence Library and Coroutines
3:06:17 Entities and Primary Keys in Room
3:08:50 Setting up a Dao (Data Access Object) in Room
3:12:28 Overview of RoomDatabase implementation
3:14:21 How to build your Database and get a reference to you Dao
3:14:47 How to get data in and out of the Dao using suspend functions

Section 11
3:16:34 Setting up a Local and Remote Database using Firebase's Firestore NoSQL library (even easier)
3:17:33 Communicating with Firestore using a Repository, with Coroutines
Section 12
3:21:59 Dependency Injection using an AndroidViewModel, and ViewModelProvider.Factory
3:22:29 What is dependency injection in simple terms?
3:23:36 Implementing Dependency Injection using AndroidViewModel
3:24:13 Quick look at using a ViewModelProvider.Factory to create our ViewModel with the Injected Repository
3:24:27 How to use our Dependency Injector from within a Fragment or Activity
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