Bypass Windows Defender with C++ .DLL Payload File - Meterpreter Reverse Shell

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This video showcases how it was possible to modify several publicly available tools and customise a template C++ file that will perform shellcode process injection which bypasses Windows Defender, obtaining a fully functional reverse shell on a victim's Windows machine.

It was possible to generate a .DLL payload file with cross-compilation on a Kali machine that performs shellcode process injection with AES encryption by utilising references from a publicly available Github repository.

The video provides a step-by-step walkthrough guide and a practical demonstration on how you can generate a .DLL payload file in C++ that will achieve a Meterpreter reverse shell on a Windows machine that has Windows Defender running.

The video also provides a high-level explanation on why .DLL payload files are useful, and shares an article which discuss a practical use case referencing Microsoft Teams, whereby .DLL payload files can be leveraged for persistence and proxy execution.

Github repository reference:

Microsoft Teams article reference:,commands%20to%20the%20intended%20dll.

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Язык программирования C++
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