C++ List (Real examples, Sorting a list, When (not) to use List, Detailed explanation, Step-by-Step)

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In this video, we are learning what are STL containers. I will teach you how to use lists in C++ with practical example. We will start with the basics of C++ lists and we will gradually move to more complex practical examples. You will learn how to create a matchmaking system that is used in many popular video games like PUBG, Warzone, Fortnite, and for that, we will use STL lists and iterators. I will also teach you the difference between lists and arrays (vectors). As part of this comparison, we will go through the main pros and cons of lists and vectors.
This video will help you understand the purpose of lists in C++, and in upcoming videos, we will cover the rest of the STL containers.

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Язык программирования C++
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