C++ Tutorial for Beginners Ep#15 - Break, Continue, and Goto - SavvyNik

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C++ Tutorial for Beginners Ep#15 we learn about Break, Continue, and Goto statements in C++. Break, Continue, and Goto can help manage loops and jump to different parts of your program. Understand where Break, Continue, and Goto are used in C++. Break is commonly used in switch case and continue to skip over a iteration in a For/While Loop. Today we'll explore Break, Continue, and Goto depth and understand how and where it is used in C++ programming.

Break, Continue, and Goto are all used in C++ but Goto isn't considered excepted practice anymore. It can cause more issues in your program than it's worth. Break and Continue are used extensively in certain cases in C++. Even though Goto isn't really used anymore it's nice to understand that it exists in case you run into it while C++ programming.
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