Dart Basics (Part1)|Learn flutter development for beginners

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#3 So this is the 3rd video of Learn Flutter development course series.

DartPad: https://dartpad.dev

So in this video we will start with the basics of dart.
For those who don't know, As Dart is the official programming language that the flutter framework uses.

Topics we have covered:
0:00 - Intro
0:40 - Entry point in Dart
1:30 - Print Statement in Dart
2:37 - Comments in Dart
3:18 - Objects in Dart
4:02 - Variables and How to declare in Dart
7:32 - Data Types in Dart

Hey, friends i am Gaurav pandey and i am starting series of flutter development for beginners.
In this course you will learn flutter and dart extremely from the basics.

So don't worry if you don't have any prior knowledge.
We will start from the important basics and then work our way through all the core features.
And you will learn all the things not just in theory but with practical implementations,
We will build multiple apps, so that you have best knowledge of how and when to apply a certain statement and feature.
But the only thing you need to do. is to follow me along and code along with me. And by the end of this course series you will have numerous apps built by you.
Also i will try to provide you best of the resources and will try to solve your queries.
Thank you
Язык программирования Dart
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