End to end flow of Events list & events creation with RoomDB , Form Validation & BottomSheetScaffold

41 Просмотры
#compose #roomdb #kotlin #android #tamil @Android Developers

This video will help you to understand the end- to-end integration of event creation and displaying the events in jetpack compose with RoomDatabse, form validation and BottomSheetScaffold.

Short Cuts:

00:32 Introduction
01:12 RoomDB Integration
Reference video: https://youtu.be/8CSXKmAgtUo
04:45 Creating Database using HILT
06:54 DataRepository Pattern
07:21 Handling the error in repository level
09:11 Event Home UI
09:19 BottomSheetScaffold
11:34 Form Error handling
13:14 Binding Model with UI
17:34 Show Progress Bar & Track
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