Flutter Tutorial #8: Using Column & Row Widgets - Spacing Between Widgets (Column | Row | SizedBox)

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In this Flutter tutorial, we will look at two Multi-Child Layout Widgets that are Column and Row, how we can layout multiple widgets vertically and horizontally, how we can align them using different properties and how to add spaces between the widgets.

(00:00) Using Column & Row Widgets - Spacing Between Widgets.
(00:24) How to layout widgets vertically using Column Widget?
(02:18) How to align widgets in a Column Widget vertically?
(03:07) How to align widgets in a Column Widget horizontally?
(04:53) How to add spacing between widgets using SizedBox Widget vertically?
(05:19) How to layout widgets Horizontally using Row Widget?
(05:48) How to add spacing between widgets using SizedBox Widget horizontally?

Flutter Layout Cheat Sheet (Visual):
Язык программирования Dart
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