Flutter Unity Vuforia AR

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This video is showing how to setup the example app of the Flutter Unity Widget project to make it work with the Vuforia SDK, and how to create an AR scene that you can run on your iOS device.

More description about Vuforia and AR with Ground Plane:

Debug ground plane target:

The example project is available here on GitHub, and of course, all the credits go to the author - Rex Raphael:

For this at first, you will need to install/download a couple of things:
- Flutter (https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install)
- Dart SDK (https://dart.dev/tools/sdk#install)
- Unity (https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download​)
- Vuforia (https://developer.vuforia.com/vui/auth/register)
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