Kotlin Tutorial for Beginners | Android Kotlin Crash Course | Learn Kotlin in 3 Hours

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Kotlin Tutorial for Beginners | Android Kotlin Crash Course | Learn Kotlin in 3 Hours

00:00:00 - Course Overview
00:01:05 - Introduction
00:14:35 - Setting up Kotlin on Andriod Studio
00:21:40 - Classes in Kotlin
00:25:27 - First Program in Kotlin (Hello World!)
00:28:49 - Variable & Data Types
00:33:12 - Val & Var
00:38:03 - Methods in Kotlin
00:45:07 - Conditional Statements
00:52:39 - For and For Each Loop
00:59:38 - While and Do While
01:04:01 - Triple,Pair
01:12:06 - Creating Objects from Classes
01:24:30 - Constructors
01:41:11 - Custom Constructors
01:59:27 - Companion Object
02:17:48 - Inheritance
02:42:20 - Super and This Keywords
03:07:57 - Interface
03:29:13 - Abstraction
03:47:43 - Enum
04:00:45 - Generics
04:20:15 - Lambdas
04:37:25 - Higher-Order Functions
04:54:12 - Delegation
05:09:40 - Scope Functions
05:40:40 - Collections
05:51:15 - Lists
06:11:38 - Nullability
06:21:37 - Learning the Basic Syntax

Язык программирования Kotlin
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