Model view controller MVC design pattern in Swift iOS (Hindi tutorial)

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Model view controller or MVC is the default design pattern of iOS apps, MVC in swift programming can be implemented using the various features mentioned in the Apple developer documentation. But just implementing MVC design pattern ios swift is not enough one must also follow good programming principles to make sure that they have less coupling in their code.

This MVC in swift hindi tutorial with easy examples helps beginners to understand this design pattern and implement it using the right techniques in their project. The model view controller example in this video will guide you in making the right set of decisions while implementing this pattern.

Model view controller swift is an excellent pattern for your project but it depends on how you implement to avoid massive view controllers.

In this MVC swift Hindi tutorial I will be explaining the core concepts of MVC along with how you should not implement MVC and on that note let's have a look at the categories that we will cover today

0:00 Introduction about the video
0:42 Summary about today's topic
1:54 Model View Controller explained
2:02 Why implement a design pattern
2:39 History of MVC
3:20 Model in swift MVC and its responsibilities
5:57 View in swift MVC and it's responsibilities
7:04 Controller in swift MVC and its responsibilities
8:41 Incorrect implementation of MVC iOS app code review
13:04 Does MVC cause a massive view controller?
14:46 Dividing responsibilities across layers
17:25 My opinion on MVC
Apple MVC documentation:

Apple View Container documentation:


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