Pokedex Android / Kotlin

110 Просмотры
Pokedex is my final project for the Android development master, based on modern Android application tech-stacks and MVVM architecture.

This is what I used:
- Android Studio 4.1.3.
- SDK version 30.
- Kotlin.
- Coroutines.
- Base classes.
- MVVM architecture .
- Clean architecture.
- DataBinding.
- Navigation architecture based on
- Dagger Hilt for dependency injection.
- JetPack:
LiveData .
Lifecycle .
ViewModel .
- Retrofit2 & OkHttp3 - construct the REST APIs
- Public Pokemon API - https://pokeapi.co
- RecyclerView & adapters
- Materiasl components - Like personal Toolbar, cardview + custom components.
- Glide - Loading images.
- TransformationLayout - implementing transformation motion animations.
- Animation - Like progressview, SplashScreen.
- Lottie Animation - Custom progressBar.
- Firebase Authentication - Email, Movile phone, Google, Facebook and Twitter.
- Build Variants -2 versions (one version with AdMob)
- SVG Git flow

This is a small demo video showing the aplication a little bit.
I hope you like it and I'm already working on a new version to improve it so stay tuned.

- Github Profile

- Linkedin Profile
Язык программирования Kotlin
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