Swift Heroes Digital 2020 - Command-line automations: unchain your Xcode projects! - Stefano Mondino

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Swift Heroes Digital 2020
1-2 October, #directtoyourdevice

Command-line automations: unchain your Xcode projects!
Stefano Mondino, Mobile Platform Leader, Synesthesia

Developing applications through Xcode may sometimes become quite painful if you have to manage a project with modules, tests and custom configurations.
And when it comes to team working, there’s a further complexity keeping the same code style and conventions throughout the project.

In this talk, we’ll explore some command line tools that will make your .xcodeproj healthier and easier to configure, your Swift code cleaner and your whole git project ready to be shared with your fellow team members.

We’ll also try to keep a certain degree of automation so that everything is ready to be deployed on a CI/CD environment.

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